
Do you use any pesticides?

Never. Not with the animals. Not on the yard. Not for mosquitoes. Never.

Are you considered an organic farm?

Easy answer: no.

The better answer:

  • we waited three years to sell any products on our farm, to assure the land rested appropriately (usually a requirement to apply for “organic” status).

  • we feed our animals the most local products possible.

  • we use no chemicals, ever.

  • We use all-natural wood shavings for bedding.

  • While some of our animals are vaccinated, all of the vaccinations are considered “organic safe”.

Why do you not have a farm stand in the winter months?

We have found that our chickens lay the most eggs when the sun is out for longer periods of time. The sun isn’t out much in Northern Minnesota during the winter months. Many farms install artificial lights in their coop to entice the chickens to lay more eggs in the dark months. We believe the chickens need their seasonal rest — no coop lights on our farm.

Are your chickens considered free-range?

Yes. Our chickens roam their large chicken yard, our yard, the meadow, the forest, the sandbox, etc.

How fresh are your eggs that are being sold in the Farm Stand?

It’s quite likely that the eggs you buy are picked the night before. If not the night before, the same week is guaranteed.

Do you have other animals, or sell anything else in your farm stand?

We do not have other “producing” animals at this time. Though, hogs and bees are on the schedule.

We sell different types of flora, syrups, and apples from time-to-time. Though, eggs are our passion at the moment.

What do you feed your poultry?

We feed our flock, “Form A Feed’s 16% Natural Layer”. Form A Feed is a family owned company based out of Minnesota. We’ve personally met the Nelson family and trust them with our feed needs.